Close to Home Since sheltering in place, I have done two slideshows of my neighborhood walks, each in four different Portland neighborhoods, photos and sound. In thinking about the next slideshow, the next neighborhood walks I realized that due to the pandemic and staying close to home I have collected a lot of photos in a photo file simply called “Home”. Here is the slideshow: Close to Home These are the walks close to home I have taken again and again for fresh air and exercise. In this new time I have come to appreciate these close to home encounters. I’m seeing more now, close to home, small changes. I have seen in ways not seen before over these last few months. Repeatedly walking past things I have seen “NEW” and in some cases photographed, documenting what I saw. Besides the changes in plant life, I discovered and photographed a 1897 house that recently went on the market in the neighborhood. So I share that here...
My musings and wanderings.