I am at the stage of the “shelter in place” where I am beginning to wonder what is next? Just a feeling, a question, isn’t there something else I should be doing or considering? What is on the horizon that I am not seeing or considering? What should I be seeing? I have the feeling that something is missing, but what is it?
I wonder if others have this feeling, or is this the unsettling feeling that we call “cabin fever”. At this point it seems obvious to me that it is a changed world. But, the questions emerge, I’m looking for something that we can know about the future.
Following the news it seems obvious to me, but not to some “policy makers” that this is an uncompromising virus/plague, it’s biology. What has become clear is that this world created by our culture is usually mediated by compromise; political considerations, market forces. That is now a fiction. It is the old reality created by those with power.
Our new world is governed by biology, the virus does not compromise and is not moved by these traditional cultural forces. We can talk about being guided by science but for many people, particularly those used to exercising power, this new world has not been recognized.
Recognized or not it is a new world. I look for guide posts, this road is slippery, like an icy road. I look for the parameters, the sides of the road. I look for safety in this new reality and I wonder how these cultural forces will be bent, reshaped, deployed, and what it will mean for me and us humans on the planet.
This guidance seems hidden at the moment, and this possibly is the source of uneasiness I feel. What’s next and what should I look for down this road?
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